Wednesday, January 7, 2009

In Utero

If you grew up in a family like mine, your mother may have told you about the challenges of raising children. Whenever my mom would become stressed, she would tell me things like, "when you are a father, you will understand." She often told me that "there's nothing like being a parent" or "it changes your life forever." And then, whenever I became cocky and tried to tell her how I would raise my children, she would chuckle sympathetically and add, "babies don't come with instruction manuals."

Hello, and welcome to my blog. Written within are the essentials needed to become the Daddy you've always wanted to be. Through my observations and experiences, I plan on providing this blog for fellow first-time fathers in the hopes that they will study and use this free knowledge to benefit their own families. Never mind the fact that I have no credentials. The way I see it, there is no better person to teach such an important subject than the person presently experiencing the subject in question. And because there happens to be no official manual already, I present to you the Daddy Instruction Manual: With Infant Training or DIMwit, written for all prospective or active Daddies.*

1. sperm [spurm] noun
a.) semen.
b.) a male reproductive cell; spermatozoon**.
2. egg [eg] noun
a.) the roundish reproductive body produced by the female of certain animals, as birds and most reptiles, consisting of an ovum and its envelope of albumen, jelly, membranes, egg case, or shell, according to species.
3. con⋅duit [kon-dwit, -doo-it, -dyoo-it, -dit] noun
a.) a pipe, tube, or the like, for conveying water or other fluid.
b.) a similar natural passage.

Place sperm into conduit

Mix sperm with egg

Wait a long time while human child forms

You may liken this process to the purchasing and care of a Chia Pet. Although no conduit is necessary for watering a Chia Pet, you may pour water through a PVC pipe to get the idea. You can find Chia Pets at most major drug stores, Wal-Mart, and Target, or by clicking this link

The process of assembling a human child is quite easy. In fact, most males find it to be a pleasurable experience. STEP 3 is relatively passive as most of the work happens naturally within the confines of your female partner's uterus. But don't get comfortable; just because the fetus grows without any actual assembly on your part, keep yourself available for anything other than that which you are wanting to do. The host of your child's uterus will develop a growing demand that will simultaneously be exactly what you must but cannot deliver. This must be your pleasure. This must be your one desire. This will be your torment.

*Mommies are more than welcome to read and bask in the gratuitous amounts of information within this blog. But I don't have Mommy parts and cannot account for nor describe the myriad sensations and ailments experienced by mothers.

**I didn't make that up.


  1. here's a tip. buy some of those big disposable diaper sheets that old people use when they wet the bed (you can get them from the grocery store or target, but they're kind of hard to find, so just tell a worker that you're having bed-wetting issues, and they'll point you to the right section). these will come in handy when changing diapers. i know you probably went out and bought a fancy changing table with a nice soft pad, but, trust me, you don't want to have to wash that every time you change a diaper. little boys are born with a skill that allows them to hold in massive amounts of urine up until you remove the diaper, at which time it is all released with no care given to aiming. if that is not reason enough, keep in mind also that it is not unheard of for a juicy squirt of some other waste substances to shoot out during the short time that the orifices are exposed. and i can tell you from experience, that is not an easy thing to get off your comforter or carpet.

  2. Thanks Glen :) One of the first things we invested in was a bag of those doggie pads - I think they're about the same thing. They are in case dogs wet things- cotton mats with some sort of plastic lining. We just leave them on the changing table and throw them away when they get "soiled."
