Saturday, May 2, 2009

The Leader of a Great Cause

My son passes gas with reckless abandon. I'm not sure if I should be proud of the confidence with which he performs his gas passing or if I should be ashamed that he has absolutely no control. I mean, he'll gaily release gas in front of anyone, even his grandmother. Can you imagine performing such dastardly behavior? But then again, everyone does it. It's your body's natural way of regulating the air within your organs. Why should it be such a taboo thing to do? Perhaps my boy is the beacon that all passers of gas have been looking for to lead the movement of shameless gas passing.

He doesn't even giggle about it. While Mommy and Daddy fall over in immature hilarity,  he just looks on with disappointment. How can he lead a movement if his own parents can't take him seriously? One day, Mommy was bathing him and observing how tiny his baby bum was. He didn't even let her finish her sentence when he let one go for at least 10 seconds. It was like a test. He looked directly into my eyes the entire time, almost begging for acceptance. I reverted to being 6 years old and collapsed in laughter.

I am a terrible father.

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